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We had a great experience with Evelyn Bloom

We hired her during this lovely period of calm just before we opened, the year-long rennovation project was complete, the equipment was unpackaged and setup, the inventory had arrived and the paint--dry!

Sounds like fun for a 3d Virtual Tour photographer

Only...every mirror was hung and every room has more than one mirror. Ever seen a movie where the camera crew is clearly visible in the mirror? Are you sure you haven't, because there are lots and lots of them.

Check out our tour, you'll spot a tripod top in a frame or two but never the artist. Evelyn really went beyond the call of duty for us. She was one of our first great vendor experiences and she gave us a lot of hope that there would be others.

The ROI of a Virtual Tour

The cost was an enormous one at the time, though only a few hundred bucks. Still we've always wanted to show people what a clean and pleasant facility we have, we're proud of it because we did a lot of the work ourselves. So in a sense we paid to show off because our place really shows off well. If you aren't as confident about how your office shows off, there's probably no ROI for you. But if you do show well, some of your first visitors will tell you without being asked that they've taken your virtual tour. They want you to know they saw it, it was clearly a big part of their process.

We also filled our gallery page with professional photos from the shoot which Evelyn graciously took for us. Evelyn really listened to what we wanted and we were very pleased with the quality of the result.

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