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We had a great experience with Danelle Berardinelli

I highly recommend a regular professional massage because I have experienced benefits from this myself. When I find a licensed massage therapist who does good work, I like to see the same therapist every time, because soon we both know what to expect. I have come to expect the best from Danelle Berardinelli at Tula Bodywork because she reliably gives excellent work. I have sent family to her and I continue to admire the high standard of service she gives.

A truly private setting

Massage is a deeply personal experience, a good one does more than loosen your muscles, it can change your outlook and brighten your mood. It borders on a spiritual experience and Danelle offers enough variety in her repertoire to give you some wonderful choices. The surroundings she offers are intimate, quiet, clean, and easy to sink into.

A truly peaceful person

What I appreciate most in Danelle--beyond her technical skills--is her peaceful self. She always helps me set my frantic pace aside, if only for the duration of our visits. Thanks Danelle for all you do for me and mine.

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